Many of you have probably seen this, but it is pertinent:
Power line inspection <>

There is also an interplay between injury or death and voltage and current

Lot's of unsubstantiated/spouse tales house like current is and other grid
secondaries are more unsafe than higher voltage distribution
wiring...Because higher voltage traves on the skin, and 120, 240, 480
traves through one's core stopping the heart. You can get realls bad burns
from higher voltage, THat much is certain.

What exactly is higher and lower in this context? What amperage is too
much? Coil discharge from a car coil is certainly notable (20KV+), but not
much current and very short duration.

Where on the continuum do the bits of an EV fit in?

On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 1:10 AM JoeS. via EV <> wrote:

> /Chris wrote: I'm an electrical dolt, but I thought there is no danger in
> handling an EV
> in water because there is no potential relative to ground.  Even if
> isolation has been compromised and the body is hot, it would be hard to get
> two parts of the body at different potentials./
> For that very reason I've always been mystified how someone swimming in a
> pool not touching anything could be electrocuted...
> -----
> Joe Siudzinski
> --
> Sent from:
> _______________________________________________
> Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

Michael E. Ross
(919) 585-6737 Land
(919) 901-2805 Cell and Text
(919) 576-0824 <> Tablet,
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