Hi Bruce,

I mentioned this podcast because it is a side of "the future" that I had
not heard detailed before from someone who was/is intertwined with large
city transportation management (exCommissioner(?) of Transportation NYC).
Some of the things he brought out like limiting the flow of traffic into a
city while increasing outflow to ease gridlock (he evidently was the one
who coined the word).  He also discussed autonomous vehicles which will be
EVs and how society could/would likely react.  He also brought up why
millennials are not into the "car thing" and its effects on the car
industry.  He brought up things that made me want to think how I would
react or adjust to in the coming decades (if I live so long, etc.).  But it
is something that my kids will likely be experiencing and that is
important.  This is a guy in the midst of trying to adjust city living to
what will likely be visions of future transportation modes he sees coming
and that is important to anyone who will be part of future city

Yeah, he could have been more PC.  Most everything we pontificate about the
future can be labeled to some degree BS.  And he's promoting his book... Meh

Personally, I take the good with the bad, sort things out, and try to do
better myself.

On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 4:47 AM brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> While I thank Gail for the post, I disagree with Peter as IMO this is not
> accurate information.
> NPR has a very, very long-long history of not reporting EVs, nor vehicles
> correctly. They have no problem with interviewing bogus, biased people that
> pontificate their imagined fears.
> It is fraught with opinions (not facts), prejudicial thoughts and biases,
> making the time spent listing or reading their test transcript a waste of
> time. However, EVangels are going to run into the public who have
> heard/read
> this NPR and now parrot/repeat it as fact (when it isn't). So in that sense
> it is good for EVangels to know where it came from, thus how much more work
> they have ahead of them to undo this opinionated disinformation.
> Since many auton are going to be EVs, this will reflect badly on them.
> The audio .mp3 is 30+ minutes long, but I had to stop listening to it when
> the author spoke with 'people of color' (as if Caucasian whites were
> normal,
> etc.). IMO, there is a whole lot tainted/based-on-fear in that guy's
> thinking.
> For EVLN EV-newswire posts use:
>  http://evdl.org/archive/
> {brucedp.neocities.org}
> --
> Sent from: http://electric-vehicle-discussion-list.413529.n4.nabble.com/
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