Rapid electric car charger opens on Norwegian Russian border
December 29, 2018  Anna Kireeva, Charles Digges

electric car charger kirkenes  The new electric car charging station in
Kirkenes, Norway
rune rafaelson electric car  Kirkenes Mayor Rune Rafaelson, second from
left, and representatives of Varanger Kraft. Credit: Anna Kireeva/Bellona
electric car kirkenes  A car charging at the new electric car charge station
in Kirkenes, Norway. Credit: Anna Kireeva/Bellona

Despite Norway’s hungry consumption of electric cars, the infrastructure to
charge them has been sluggish to appear in the country’s northernmost
regions, especially Finnmark County along the craggy Arctic coast.

Despite Norway’s hungry consumption of electric cars, the infrastructure to
charge them has been sluggish to appear in the country’s northernmost
regions, especially Finnmark County along the craggy Arctic coast.

Things had gotten so bad for electric car owners that last March, Finn Helge
Lund, a frustrated Tesla-driving resident of Kirkenes – the tiny town on the
country’s border with Russia ­– shelled out nearly $3000 of his own money to
install a public charging station himself.

The move was meant to troll Varanger Kraft, the Finnmark-based municipal
power company, and force it into taking up the e-car charging slack. The
local mayor, Rune Rafaelsen – himself in the market for an electric car if
only there was somewhere to charge it ­– had grown frustrated with the lack
of options.

Bellona, meanwhile, had launched its Arctic Electric Road project,
spearheading an initiative with officials in Murmansk to beef up the
charging infrastructure along highways leading into Russia out of Northern
Scandinavia. But improved charging opportunities on the Russian side won’t
do much good if e-car drivers in Norway have to push their cars across the

Indeed, in a country where electric and hybrid car sales account for more
than half of all vehicles sold – and where public policy makes the
preference for emissions-free automobiles nearly a matter of law – the
situation for Finnmark was getting a little awkward.

But now things are finally starting to change. This week, on Christmas Eve,
a charging station that can rapidly recharge two electric cars at a time was
opened in Kirkenes.

“The appearance of a high-speed charging station in our city is a real
Christmas present,” Lund told Bellona this week – a gift that he and the
other 25 electric car drivers in town can share.

The 50-kilowatt charger, powered by the local hydroelectric plant and fitted
with solar panels for the summer’s endless sun, can charge a car in 45
minutes – lopping hours off the charge times Lund and other local e-car
drivers had grudgingly grown used to. The new charger sports three types of
connections suitable for different kinds of electric cars.

According Mayor Rafaelsen, the new station tops off three years of
negotiations with Varanger Kraft, which had promised to open the new
chargers as a pilot project before the New Year. Now, with the charger
installed in a centrally located parking lot, the company has made good on
its word.

“I am very proud that we managed to realize this,” Rafaelson said during the
unveiling of the station this week. “We are very pleased to give tourists
coming to Kirkenes the opportunity to charge their own cars with local

In Rafaelson’s accounting, the exploding popularity of electric cars in
Norway took authorities in the country’s north by surprise. By the end of
2017, 54 percent of all cars sold in Norway were either electric or hybrid,
marking the first time in any major driving economy that environmentally
friendly auto sales outpaced the their gas and diesel driven counterparts.

That’s put pressure on Finnmark County to catch up. More pressure came from
across the border, in Murmansk, where a charger installed by Bellona at the
city’s Park Inn hotel has started to draw a small flow of motorists passing
through in electric cars. Russia’s northern capital even hosted an electric
car rally last summer, drawing e-car drivers from Russia and Norway alike,
each of whom drove more than 1,000 kilometers a piece to highlight the need
for an Arctic e-car charging infrastructure.

No wonder Finnmark was feeling a little left behind. But as Rafaelson tells
it, the times have changed.

“This is the beginning of a new era in Kirkenes,” he said. “Now we can offer
electric vehicle charging services for all want it – and of those there will
be more and more.”

For a time, drivers can even charge up for free. According to Arnfinn
Mentyjarvi, Varanger Kraft’s general manager, the company hasn’t yet worked
out the kinks of the payment system. But rather than let the charge station
sit idle, it’s currently operating as the one free high-speed charger in the

“For us now this is more a pilot project than a business – we’ll decide the
issue of payment later,” Mentyjarvi said, noting that Varanger Kraft was
working on opening charge stations in other locations in Finnmark County.

Yury Sergeev, a consultant with Bellona’s Murmansk offices, is glad to see
the progress.

“Bellona is very pleased that our efforts to develop the charging
infrastructure for electric vehicles in the Barents Region translate into
real projects,” he said. “The opening of the charge station in Kirkenes is
the event that electric drivers on both sides of the border were eagerly
awaiting. We hope that this will become an additional incentive to overcome
the difficulties in installing charging stations between Kirkenes and
Murmansk. We are proud that Arctic Electric Road is becoming a reality.”

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