I may just have just bought a couple of 2000 RAV4 EVs in CA. I believe both
were previously owned by the US Park Service. Based on vehicle reports,
these have less than 8k miles but there's no way to determine actual
mileage and true condition today. Since I'm based in Dallas and I would
like to drop both battery packs in CA instead of transporting both cars to
Texas.  I'm posting this to the group to ask if there are RAV4 EV owners in
the Vallejo area who could provide some assistance.

I need a place to work, tools & equipment to drop the battery packs.  I'll
donate 2 complete RAV4s (minus the packs) for parts. My understanding is
both vehicles have clean titles. I should know in a couple of days if the
purchase are truly secured or not. If anyone wants to get a hold of me, I'm
at 469.765.7621. Please leave a message as I do not pick up unsaved numbers.

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