Hi Cory and All,                   Understand the max voltage on 
the 12vdc module is only 12.5 vdc so likely unless you changed it and I don't 
know how you would, , it'll be badly overcharged.  They are robust and likely 
survive a few months but if the charging voltage is  not fixed, they will die.  
                And low temp charging isn't good either.                  Here 
in the SE US someone has bought all the Volt packs and driving up prices.  I've 
just finally got another after a month of trying vs before it was just pick the 
lowest cost one after bargaining.                     I have a 7kwh module 
available if anyone is interested and likely have more in the future.           
         BTW for shipping these, etc,  Fastenal ships pallets  from store to 
store very cheaply, just call them electronic parts as they get strange when 
batteries are mentioned even though the Volt modules are very safe.             
           Jerry Dycus
    On ‎Thursday‎, ‎January‎ ‎17‎, ‎2019‎ ‎05‎:‎37‎:‎30‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EST, CoreyH via 
EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:  
 I’m wondering if you might be better off buying a used Chevy Volt or Leaf
pack to get to your goals for a reasonable cost? I’m seeing the Gen1 Voot
packs sell at wreckers for around $2k, but I’ve seen them as low as $1300. 

I also bought one of those EBay Valence batteries that I have now used for a
week as the 12v battery in my ‘13 Chevy Volt. So far so good, but I cannot
help much for your application. I’m a little worried about the high
temperature protection that kicks in at +50C. 

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