Could Ultracapacitors Replace Batteries In Future Electric Vehicles?
February, 17th 2019  Christopher McFadden

ultra-capacitors versus batteries  Extracted from: skeletontech
Could Ultracapacitors Replace Batteries In Future Electric Vehicles? 
Source: Depositphotos

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Ultracapacitors have been making the news of late but could they viably
replace batteries in the EVs of the future?

Ultracapacitors are awesome. But could they viably replace batteries in
future electric vehicles?

Whilst they have significant advantages over batteries, after all, they are
much lighter, faster to charge, safer and non-toxic, there are some areas
batteries wipe the floor with them. At least for now. 

With recent acquisitions of ultracapacitor manufacturers by the likes of
Tesla, ultracapacitor could be on the verge of ousting batteries as the
go-to power source for electric cars. 
What is an ultracapacitor?

Ultracapacitors, also called supercapacitors or electrochemical capacitors,
are a kind of energy storage system that has been gaining popularity in
recent years. They can be thought of as akin to a cross between an ordinary
capacitor and a battery, but different from both.

Just like a battery, ultracapacitor cells have a positive and negative
electrode separated by an electrolyte. But, unlike batteries,
ultracapacitors store energy electrostatically (like a capacitor) rather
than chemically like a battery.

Ultracapacitors also have a dielectric separator dividing the electrolyte -
just like a capacitor. This internal cell structure allows ultracapacitors
to have a very high energy storage density, especially when compared to a
normal capacitor.

When compared to batteries, ultracapacitors do store less energy than a
similarly sized battery. But, they are able to release it much more rapidly
as the discharge is not dependent on a chemical reaction taking place. 

Another great benefit of them is that they can be charged many times over
with little or degradation (in excess of 1 million charge/discharge cycles
is not uncommon). This is because no physical or chemical changes occur when
a charge is stored within them.

The most commonly used electrode material for supercapacitors is carbon in
various forms such as activated carbon, carbon fiber-cloth, carbide-derived
carbon, carbon aerogel, graphite (graphene),  and carbon nanotubes (CNTs).

Supercapacitors are used in applications requiring many rapid
charge/discharge cycles rather than long term compact energy storage. Also,
they are used in car booster packs and power banks.

Can ultracapacitors replace batteries?

The answer to this question depends very much on the desired application in
question. Both offer advantages and disadvantages over the other. As
previously mentioned, batteries have a much higher energy density than

This means that they are more suitable for higher energy density
applications and can allow for a device to run for longer. Ultracapacitors
have a much higher power density than batteries.  This makes them ideal for
high-drain applications like powering an accelerating car.

Ultracapacitors have a much longer lifetime than batteries. A regular
battery can handle around 2000-3000 charge and discharge cycles whilst
ultracapacitors can usually sustain more than 1,000,000.

ultra-capacitors versus batteries

Ultracapacitors are much safer and considerably less toxic. They contain no
harmful chemicals or heavy metals and are highly unlikely to explode as
batteries can.

Ultracapacitors have a much greater operating range when compared to
batteries. They beat batteries hands down in this area and can operate
within ranges of between -40 and +65 degrees Celsius.

Ultracapacitors are able to be charged and discharged much more rapidly than
batteries, usually within seconds. Batteries, on the other hand, charge a
lot more slowly (depending on size and type of course).

Ultracapacitors are also much more efficient at self-discharge than

Many ultracapacitors also have a much longer shelf life when compared to
batteries. Some, like SkelCap cells, are able to be stored for as much as 15
years at a time with little to no decline in capacity.

Like with any technology, the main drive for their application is their cost
to benefit. Ultracapacitors tend to be the more economical choice over the
long run for applications that need short bursts of energy.

Batteries, however, are a much better choice for applications that require
constant, low current over time.
Could ultracapacitors replace batteries in future electric cars?

As we have seen, ultracapacitors are best suited for situations where a lot
of power is needed in short order. In terms of electric cars, this would
mean they would be better than batteries when the vehicle needs bursts of
energy - like during acceleration.

In fact, this is just what Toyota has done with the Yaris Hybrid-R concept
car. It utilizes a supercapacitor for just this purpose. 

PSA Peugeot Citroen has also started employing ultracapacitors as part of
its start-stop [ice] fuel saving systems. This allows for much faster
initial acceleration.

Mazda's i-ELOOP system also uses ultracapacitors to store energy during
deceleration. The power stored is then used for the engine's stop-start

For general driving, ultracapacitors are not a substitute for batteries in
electric vehicles, yet. For this reason, batteries, like Li-on, are likely
going to be the go-to power supply for EVs for the near to distant future,
until a better alternative can be developed of course. 

Many believe it is more likely ultracapacitors will become ever more
commonplace as power-regeneration systems during deceleration. This stored
power can then be re-used during periods of acceleration rather than direct
replacements for batteries.

However, according to this study [
], they could have applications in hybrid vehicles in place of batteries
when "the power demand is less than the power capability of the electric
motor; when the vehicle power demand exceeds that of the electric motor, the
engine is operated to meet the vehicle power demand plus to provide the
power to recharge the supercapacitor unit."

Recent research into graphene-based supercapacitors could mean the days of
the battery in electric cars could soon be over. The study, a collaboration
between scientists at Rice University and the Queensland University of
Technology resulted in two papers, published in Journal of Power Sources [
] and Nanotechnology [

This solution consists of two layers of graphene with an electrolyte layer
between them. This film is strong, thing, and is able to release large
amounts of energy in a short time.

But this is a given, it is a supercapacitor after all. What makes this study
different is that they suggest batteries could be replaced with large
amounts of supercapacitors throughout future electric vehicles as a
substitute for bulky batteries.

This could include integrating them into body panels, roof paneling, floors,
and even doors, for example. In theory, this could provide the vehicle with
all the energy it needs and make it considerably lighter than
battery-powered electric vehicles. 

Such an EV would also be charged considerably faster than battery-powered
ones. But, like all ultracapacitors, this solution still can't hold as much
energy as standard batteries. 

"In the future, it is hoped the supercapacitor will be developed to store
more energy than a Li-Ion battery while retaining the ability to release its
energy up to 10 times faster - meaning the car could be entirely powered by
the supercapacitors in its body panels,” said the study's co-author Jinzhang

"After one full charge, this car should be able to run up to 500km (310
miles) - similar to a petrol-powered car and more than double the current
limit of an electric car.”

EV manufacturers could also be taking interest in the possibility of
ultracapacitors for future cars. Tesla, for example, has 'taken the plunge'
and recently acquired an ultracapacitor and battery component manufacturer
search evdl archives on  ultracapacitor

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