Well, I heard back from the mechanic -- he drained the differential oil to get a look at it and it was "a metal milkshake".  So the E-10's differential is basically shot; he thinks that the debris in the lube probably destroyed the bearings as well.

So I'm hoping that someone out there can help out...

Do you have contact information for anyone who might have worked at Solectria?  I'd like to pick their brains and see if I can get information on the E-10's differential, if any of the parts (gears/bearings) are off-the-shelf parts or if they were custom; what the gear ratio is, etc.

I'll take whatever information I can get at this point.  My main hope is that we can find a differential somewhere that has approximately the same gear ratio and will fit the truck; best thing would be if we could find some off-the-shelf differential gears and bearings that we could use to replace the bad ones in this case.

I'm certain that we'll be able to get something together to fix the problem, but if you have any information I can use, I'll gladly take it.  We've had this truck since 2001 and just replaced the battery pack with lithium-ion modules so I'm definitely not going to give up on it.


On 5/29/2019 10:18 AM, Tom Hudson via EV wrote:
Hi All,

I have a 1995 Solectria E-10 pickup that has developed some issues in the drive train.  The main issue seems to be the custom differential that Solectria put together for it -- I always assumed that the differential in there was a stock Chevy S-10 unit that they flipped around so the drive shaft comes in the back, but realized today that it's actually a custom Solectria unit (it has "SOLECTRIA" on the side of the casting).

Just wondering if anyone on the list knows where I could find one of these -- maybe someone up in Massachusetts knows of leftover parts from Solectria?

If not that, maybe if I could get information on whether the gears and bearings they used in the differential are stock parts?

Also wondering if anyone has ever replaced the differential in one of these trucks with something else...

The mechanic is looking at the unit now to see exactly what is wrong with it, but I'd like to be prepared for any eventuality. Any help appreciated.


Thomas Hudson
http://portev.org -- Electric Vehicles, Solar Power & More
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