On 13 Aug 2019 at 9:25, brucedp5 via EV wrote:

> It is also quite noteworthy to see Jaguar specifically targeting
> existing Tesla owners, and not other EV enthusiasts who drive electric
> cars like the Chevy Bolt and the Nissan Leaf. 

It seems to me that Leaf and Bolt owners ("Leaf and Bolt" kind of sounds 
like the name of an English pub) aren't too likely to lay down the kind of 
money needed to buy a Jaguar, either ICEV or EV.  

I don't see them converting many Tesla owners, either, so this smells like 
yet another designed-to-fail strategy to "prove" that EVs don't sell. 

Every time I read about some kind of incentive an automaker is offering, I 
think about the ad campaign Toyota ran in (IIRC) the 1980s.  At the time, 
rebates were the big strategy for selling Ford/GM/Chrysler cars that 
Americans didn't really like that much in a slow US economy. Toyota took out 
full page magazine ads that said, in large friendly letters, something close 
to "You know all those rebates that other automakers are offering?  At 
Toyota, we think that if you build good cars, you shouldn't have to pay 
people to buy them."


David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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