Oops, an electric car advertising budget wasted
Aug 20, 2019  Carrie Hampel

VW e-Golf

The VW eGolf Commercial

In the UK, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled that a
Volkswagen ad should not be broadcast on UK television according to new
rules against gender-stereotyping.

The ad shows men doing all kinds of adventurous activities, while the women
depicted asleep and look after children. The ad slogan is “When we learn to
adapt, we can achieve anything.”

Volkswagen insists its ad was not sexist and that caring for a newborn was a
life-changing experience about adaptation, regardless of whether this was
done by a man or a woman. The ASA ruled that the “ad presented gender
stereotypes in a way that was likely to cause harm.” In new rules introduced
at the beginning of this year, ASA regulations concern depictions of men and
women engaged in gender-stereotypical activities to help stop “limiting how
people see themselves and how others see them and the life decisions they

This is not the first time the ASA has focused on car advertising, past
examples have been more concerned with otherwise misleading content. At the
end of 2017, the scrutiny of the ASA hit advertising for the BMW i3, which
despite its range extender was praised with terms such as “zero-emission”
and “clean” –  misleading advertising according to the ASA. But that’s not
all, BMW has had some other trouble with its advertising campaigns in the

In October last year, a Nissan Leaf ad was banned because the ASA ruled that
there were inaccurate details about the charging time required. In January
this year, the ASA dismissed complaints against a Mitsubishi television
advert for misleading consumers by over-playing the electric aspect of its
Outlander PHEV SUV. Although the ASA dismissed the claim, in their ruling
they also said that they understood why the complaints were made because of
the repeated emphasis in the voice-over on the phrase: “it’s electric”
implying that the vehicle was fully electric rather than a hybrid vehicle.

In the question of car advertising generally and most specifically electric
cars, a study showed that car companies generally contribute comparatively
little to the budgets for the promotion of their electric vehicles.

VW, on the other hand, was ready to spend millions ahead of the arrival of
its first electric car reportedly. Either way, in response to the ruling, VW
might want to question the effectivity of a message promoting adaptation to
something (fairly) new – electric mobility– while at the same time operating
with old gender stereotypes. VW has not been issued a fine or banned from
airing the ad elsewhere outside of UK TV broadcasting.

Electric vehicles still waiting for Hollywood
Aug 18, 2019 ... while gas guzzlers have scorched their mark on the silver
screen, electric vehicles (EV) are largely still waiting for their turn to
reign over the red carpet ... Placement in a big movie can cost an automaker
millions. TV spots tend to go for much less ... tended to be more pejorative
than it has been celebratory ... don’t kill the golden goose ...

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