Va. utility putting its energy into building country’s largest fleet of
electric school buses
Sep 7, 2019

An electric bus charges before its next run. Just like electric cars, the
buses come equipped with a battery that must be charged at a station. The
vehicles have a range of about 100 to 135 miles per charge and normally
manage all but the hilliest of terrains

Hundreds of Virginia schoolchildren soon will be part of an experiment in
cutting-edge transportation technology: electric school buses.

In the coming week, school districts in Northern Virginia, central Virginia
and Hampton Roads may apply to partner with Dominion Energy in a project to
put 50 electric school buses on the road by the end of 2020.

The program would be the largest fleet of its kind in the United States, the
company said, and the first step in the utility’s three-part plan to put
1,000 electric school buses on state roads by 2025.

Manufacturers soon will be allowed to begin bidding on the contract.

Mark Webb, senior vice president and chief innovation officer for Dominion,
said the company is pursuing the project because of its environmental and
health benefits. Replacing diesel buses with electric ones will reduce
carbon emissions and improve air quality. The buses also will save school
districts money in gas and maintenance costs, he said. An added benefit: the
buses will have seat belts.

There are substantial benefits for Dominion, too. The bus batteries will
serve as a resource for the power grid; 1,000 buses will produce enough
energy to power about 10,000 homes for five hours, according to Dominion.

“Most school buses are kept in a centralized location, so from a grid
support standpoint we can have a concentrated amount of battery storage in a
specific location,” Webb said. “You know it will be there when you need it –
for planning, that’s super-useful.”

He added, “Not only does [the project] improve our numbers, but it solves
other problems as well – it has significant benefit to the rest of society.
We look for things that are win-win-wins, and this is one.”

Experts said Dominion's plan is part of a larger pivot toward electric
school buses. Over the past half-decade, school districts around the country
have begun to experiment with electric transportation, said Matt Casale,
transportation campaign director for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group
- though Dominion's project is by far the largest to date.

Casale said there has been serious interest in electric school buses for a
while, but that battery technology only recently advanced to the point
"where we can really talk about, how do we switch all our buses over to

Electric bus programs are under way in a few states – Massachusetts,
California and Minnesota – and Dominion’s work in Virginia probably will
inspire more, he said.

"I think Dominion is going to be the first domino, and a lot of utility
companies are going to follow," Casale said. "I think we're going to see a
very beneficial transition to electric school buses after this."

Just like electric cars, electric school buses come equipped with a battery
that must be charged at a station. The buses have a range of about 100 to
135 miles per charge, Webb said. And they usually can handle all but the
hilliest of terrains, Casale said.

Environmental organizations have long touted the vehicles' money-saving and
environmental benefits. A 2018 report by the U.S. PIRG Education Fund found
that switching U.S. school buses from diesel to electric would cut emissions
by 5.3 million tons - equivalent to yanking about a million cars off the
road. Each electric bus would also save schools about $2,000 a year in fuel
costs and $4,400 in maintenance, according to the report.

Nonetheless, schools often balk at the price tag of making the switch,
Casale said. Electric buses cost about $200,000 more than their diesel
counterparts, according to Webb.

That's where Dominion is stepping in. The utility will pay the cost
difference for the new buses as well as pay for and install the charging
stations and other necessary infrastructure.

The first 50 buses will cost Dominion about $13.5 million, according to
Webb, which the company is funding by tapping into existing assets and
spreading the cost over the next several years. The cost will not be passed
on to Dominion Energy customers, the utility said.

Dominion began exploring the idea of electric school buses a little more
than a year ago, Webb said, inspired partly by initiatives in other states.
The company kicked things into high gear over past few months, consulting
with renewable-energy experts, manufacturers, local government and school

The company recently announced its plan during a news conference with
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, who said that the electric buses
represent "innovative" thinking.

"Virginia is leading the way in promoting electric vehicle technology and
improving our environment," Northam said in a statement. "We look forward to
working with Dominion as they bring electric school buses to communities in
all corners of our Commonwealth."

As its next steps, Dominion will begin soliciting applications from schools
and electric bus manufacturers who want to participate in the project.
Schools may apply by submitting an online form - which asks for the size and
state of their bus fleets, in addition to an essay detailing their reasons
for wanting to participate.

Dominion recently held a teleconference with about 200 people representing
school districts across the state, during which company officials explained
details of the program and answered educators' questions.

"We're very excited about this opportunity and we'll be submitting an
application," said Al Ciarochi, the associate superintendent for support
services for Prince William County Public Schools.

Dominion's ultimate goal is that 100 percent of replacement buses purchased
by Virginia schools in its service territory are electric by 2030.

There are 17,000 school buses in Virginia, but it's unclear how many are in
Dominion's service area. Schools replace about 1,000 buses a year, "so it
would take time to replace them all, but we'd get there eventually," Webb

For now, though, the company is focused on rolling out the first 50. In
preparation, Dominion recently offered a group of students in Petersburg,
Va., a test ride.

“The inside of the bus is so much quieter, so the kids all commented on how
nice and quiet it was - they could actually hear their friends,” Webb said.
“So that was a side benefit we never even thought of.”

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