$600K per station ? What, do they include a free Tesla when you come to charge ?

Ok, so they have 1.56MW generation and 567kWh of storage, which is probably on par with $600K * 2. So, they can fill the battery in about 20 minutes. What happens to the rest of the power ? Goes to the grid ?


------ Original Message ------
From: "brucedp5 via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: ev@lists.evdl.org
Cc: "brucedp5" <bruce...@juno.com>
Sent: 05-Oct-19 12:09:45 PM
Subject: [EVDL] Dual L3 PV-EVSE @Camp_Roberts-CA rest-areas along (SoCal) Hwy-101

Solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations now available at Camp
Roberts rest areas
October 4, 2019

Two solar-powered direct current fast-charging (DCFC) electric vehicle (EV)
charging stations have been installed at the Camp Roberts Rest Areas along
US 101 in Monterey County. They are the first solar-powered EV charging
stations being operated in the United States


–Two solar-powered direct current fast-charging (DCFC) electric vehicle (EV)
charging stations have been installed at the Camp Roberts Rest Areas [map
] along US 101 in Monterey County. They are the first solar-powered EV
charging stations being operated in the United States.

“We’re thrilled to have these solar-powered EV charging stations up and
running in rest areas. It’s an important part of our overall plan to provide
sustainable transportation options for travelers,” said Caltrans District 5
Director Tim Gubbins.

These EV ARC 2020 stations include four solar panels that pivot to track the
sun, storing the captured energy in a series of batteries. This system will
power one Charge Point Express250 charging station at each rest area. These
charging stations offer CCS1 and CHAdeMO cables. Tesla drivers can also use
the station if they carry an adapter. Other motorists can assess the
availability of the ChargePoint Station through an application on their

These stations will be free to the public and were funded by the Monterey
Bay Air Resources Board (MBARD) at a cost of $1.2 million, which includes
long-term system maintenance.
charging station highway 101.

“MBARD is pleased to partner with Caltrans District 5 on this unique
electric vehicle infrastructure project which makes DC charging available at
the Camp Roberts rest areas,” said Richard A. Stedman, MBARD Air Pollution
Control Officer. “This strategic location on Highway 101 fills a gap in the
network of charging stations along this important transportation corridor.
By funding the installation of fast charging stations, MBARD promotes the
adoption of fully electric vehicles, leading to significant long-term air
quality benefits.”

Emergency responders will also be able to use these facilities as an
emergency generator during a power outage in the event of an earthquake or

The installation of this technology was performed by Envision Solar
International, the developer and manufacturer of this system. “Envision
Solar is delighted to have the opportunity to put our environmentally
sustainable, off the grid EV charging solution on California’s highway,”
said Desmond Wheatley, CEO of Envision Solar International. These stations
are designed to fill a gap in the electric highway network to relieve driver
anxiety while encouraging longer travel trips by electric vehicles.

A third solar-powered EV charging station will be installed at the Shandon
Rest Area in early 2020.
[© pasoroblesdailynews.com]
 Solar powered dual CHAdeMO &ccs ChargePoint L3 EVSE

Calif. Auto Group Prepares for EV Surge by Installing Solar, Storage
 ... 1.56 MW of solar PV integrated with 567 kWh of NantEnergy’s
behind-the-meter SmartStorage systems. The systems are expected to save the
auto group up to $14.3 million over the next 25 years and help diversify its
energy supply as it prepares for the expected growth of the electric vehicle
(EV) market ...

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