I think your headline has the decimal point in the wrong place.  I
think it should be $0.034/mi.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 4:42 AM brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> https://www.torquenews.com/7893/5-ways-minimize-charging-costs-chevy-bolt-ev-and-other-electric-vehicles
> 5 Ways to Minimize Charging Costs in a Chevy Bolt EV (and Other Electric
> Vehicles)
> Sep 30 2019  Steve Birkett
> [images
> https://www.torquenews.com/sites/default/files/styles/news/public/images/bolt-ev-l2-destination-charging-min.jpg
> https://www.torquenews.com/sites/default/files/bolt_taper_points_at_60-100-125-150_amp.png
>  (graph)  Chevy Bolt EV taper points
> video
> https://youtu.be/vGC310dLnFQ
> Electric Vehicle Charging Costs: 19,000 Miles in a Bolt EV
> ]
> Electric cars like the Chevy Bolt EV are already cheap to drive, but it
> never hurts to shave a few dollars from the cost of your electrons. These
> tips should help minimize your charging costs, whether on the road or closer
> to home.
> It’s common knowledge that driving an electric car like the Chevy Bolt EV is
> cheaper, both in terms of maintenance and “fueling” the vehicle. Even with a
> higher sticker price at the time of purchase, electric cars often work out
> cheaper than their gasoline equivalents over the lifetime of the vehicle,
> especially if the ICE in question is a gas guzzler.
> It’s not unusual for EV drivers to see cost-per-mile numbers in the region
> of 3 to 5 cents, which is even cheaper than hyper-efficient hybrids like the
> Toyota Prius. (And not to knock the venerable Prius [hev], but you’re going
> to have a lot more fun driving electric!)
> Even with these low running costs, however, many of us like to squeeze a few
> more miles from our vehicle and make the cost of electrons go a little
> further. This story offers five ideas to minimize charging costs from the
> perspective of a Bolt EV owner, but which should apply to almost everyone
> who drives a non-Tesla EV.
> How Much Does It Cost to Charge a Chevy Bolt EV?
> In short, the Bolt EV costs around $7-8 to charge its 60kWh battery pack at
> home. Electricity rates vary across the U.S. of course, but the average
> price is 13.27 cents per kWh according to U.S. Energy and Information
> Administration (EIA) figures for July 2019. In any case, multiply your home
> rate per kWh by 60 and you have your ballpark cost, without accounting for a
> relatively small energy loss between wall and vehicle.
> We’ll use a 2017 Chevy Bolt EV for this exercise, as that’s my daily driver
> and the EV with which I have the most experience. Driving habits and vehicle
> efficiency will inevitably alter some of these numbers, but the Bolt
> provides a good point for comparison. It lies somewhere in the middle-front
> portion of the pack in terms of efficiency and range, at least for the 2017
> to 2019 model years, and is the most accessible EV in terms of price and
> nationwide availability in the United States and Canada.
> Earlier this year, when my Bolt EV crossed 19,000 miles, I took the time to
> calculate how much we had spent on charging over our first 18 months of
> ownership. The results are in the video ..., but the bottom line is we spent
> 3.4 cents per mile and averaged 11.2 cents per kWh across the many forms of
> charging used.
> Because our approach to charging focuses more on the public charging
> infrastructure than most – and because I pay attention to the cost in such
> an obsessive manner – we’ve learned a thing or two about how to minimize
> charging costs. Whether you’re on a road trip across the country or simply
> opportunity charging around town, the tips below should help to bring down
> your charging costs in a Bolt or any other non-Tesla EV.
> Tips to Minimize Charging Costs in a Chevy Bolt EV
> Although this advice comes from the driver’s seat of a Chevy Bolt, it should
> hold true for most non-Tesla electric vehicles. I separate Tesla because
> most owners will primarily use the superior Supercharger network, where fees
> are either waived due to promotions tied to the vehicle or predominantly
> charged by the energy delivered.
> In either case, Tesla vehicles can charge quickly and cheaply in most cases,
> only using the public charging network for slower L2 sessions or DC fast
> charging via the CHAdeMO adapter in a pinch.
> Here’s a summary of the tips before we dive into each of them:
> 1. Know Your Taper Points
> 2. Destination Charging is Essential
> 3. Explore Your Area
> 4. Park and Charge
> 5. Keep an Eye on Idle Fees
> [image]  Chevy-Bolt-EV L3 fast-charging
> Taper Points
> All electric vehicles have a charging profile, which refers to how much
> power they allow the car to take in at any given state of charge. As you
> reach a higher state of charge, the car requests less power from the
> charging station in an effort to reduce stress on the battery and improve
> pack longevity. The step down in power is often called a taper point and it
> has significant implications for the cost of DC fast charging.
> As you can see ... in a Chevy Bolt EV these taper points kick in around 55%,
> 67%, and several more times above 80% until the vehicle finalizes the charge
> session.
> When DC fast charging on networks that charge you by the minute, it’s
> important to know your vehicle’s charge profile and understand at which
> taper points you should end a session to minimize costs. For example, in a
> Chevy Bolt EV on a 150+ amp charge station it would be optimal to leave
> after the 55% mark in every session. This allows the car to draw as much
> energy as possible at its maximum charge rate of 55kW, after which time the
> power level drops and it takes longer (and costs more) to get the same
> amount of energy.
> In real-world conditions, 55% is often too early to leave and doesn’t make
> for the most convenient charge stops in terms of time. However,
> understanding that the car’s charge profile means you can make an informed
> decision on cost vs. convenience and never spend too much time above 70-80%
> state of charge, at which point charging most electric vehicles on a
> per-minute basis becomes much more expensive.
> Destination Charging
> On any long trip that spans multiple days of driving, an overnight stop at a
> hotel or campsite is likely to be involved. Road trip charging costs can be
> significantly reduced if you use this necessary downtime to recharge your
> EV, as well as your own batteries.
> In the case of hotels, Plugshare is an invaluable tool for checking the
> availability of level 2 charge equipment, assessing reliability, and
> ensuring your car can use the plug. For a non-Tesla EV, the JDapter Stub
> that converts Tesla wall chargers to the J1772 standard can be a worthwhile
> purchase. Although many hotels with charging facilities offer both Tesla and
> J1772 connections, there may be broken equipment or more Tesla plugs, so the
> adapter adds a level of redundancy.
> At campsites, you’ll be expected to bring your own portable charger, so make
> sure you understand the kind of hook up you’ll need to connect. Power levels
> and EVSE standards vary, so it pays to do your research ahead of time and
> arrive with the right equipment. This handy explanation and visual of
> National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) configurations should
> help you navigate the various types of socket and type of adapter you’ll
> need to bring along.
> In both cases, destination charging is either a nominal fee for the juice or
> a complementary addition to your stay. There’s nothing quite like waking up
> to a full charge away from home and knowing that it was included in the
> price of your stay!
> Charge Locally
> Closer to home, it’s more likely that you’ll simply plug into your own
> domestic socket and let the vehicle juice up overnight. Nonetheless, there
> are times that we forget to plug in, charging gets interrupted, or where we
> simply need a top-up in the course of a hectic day.
> Public charging can also be surprisingly cost-effective if you know where to
> go and work it into your daily routine. Take some time to browse your local
> area on Plugshare and scout out some low cost or free charge stations near
> home, work, and anywhere nearby where you regularly spend some time. You can
> use the star icon on a station’s listing to save them to your favorites in
> Plugshare, or alternatively jump out into Google Maps and add a note marking
> the station’s location.
> Often, you’ll find charge stations located in convenient places like
> shopping plazas and grocery stores, where you can add 7-10 kWh while running
> errands. Then there are libraries, town halls, recreational areas, and
> numerous other municipal locations where you might choose to spend time
> taking a walk, playing with kids, or exploring a new area over lunch. In all
> these scenarios, charging becomes a convenient addition to an activity you
> were going to undertake anyway, while simultaneously minimizing your
> charging costs in other locations.
> Park and Charge
> An extension to the charge locally tip is to research the opportunities in
> your area for charging while you park for extended periods of time.
> This includes transit stations that offer charging while you take the train
> or bus into a city center, airport lots that offer charging when you leave
> your car while traveling, and expensive inner-city parking lots. With the
> latter, parking fees can be quite expensive but EV charging may be offered
> as a complementary or low-cost service addition, which helps to offset the
> premium parking fee.
> For anyone in a congested city or simply visiting a new area, using park and
> charge facilities can add convenience as well as peace of mind. Driving in a
> busy city, especially one with which the driver is not familiar, can be a
> frustrating experience. Add finding charge stations to that scenario and it
> could spoil your experience even before you’ve set foot in the city. Leaving
> the car to add some inexpensive electrons while you allow a driver with
> local knowledge to navigate the busy city streets is a much more satisfying
> experience, where available.
> No Idle Fees (Ever!)
> Idle fees are the ultimate waste when you’re charging, in terms of both
> money and time. On Electrify America, for example, you’ll rack up an
> additional $4 for just 10 minutes plugged in after your charge session has
> ended.
> Tesla also charges idle fees, so this point applies to everyone who drives
> electric: always monitor your session and be ready to move your vehicle when
> you’re done charging.
> This isn’t just a cost-saving measure, it’s also a matter of good manners.
> Charging stations are a limited resource and will remain so for the
> foreseeable future, so it’s essential we treat them as a place to plug in,
> rather than a privileged parking spot.
> Electric cars are already cheap to drive, but it never hurts to shave a few
> more dollars from the cost of your electrons. Try out the tips above in your
> area, or on your next road trip, and see how much money you can save.
> [© torquenews.com]
> + (175kW Tritium EVSE.au made in LA-CA &sold.us)
> https://www.manmonthly.com.au/Australian+EV-charging+tech+grows+in+US
> Australian EV-charging tech grows in US
> September 26, 2019  Brisbane.au -based electric vehicle charger
> manufacturer, Tritium, has announced that it will be producing chargers for
> the US market in Los_Angeles-CA ...
> https://www.manmonthly.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/uyj0oDstTuNp2ZcnHqIiw_thumb_1b3.jpg
> For EVLN EV-newswire posts use:
>  http://evdl.org/
> {brucedp.neocities.org}
> --
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