This Electric Car Runs 20 Kilometers Daily for 30 Days Without Charging
October 13, 2019  

 Hanergy,Joylong PV-EV

Hanergy, a Chinese company with expertise in thin solar films partnered with
a Chinese automaker named Jiangsu Joylong Automobile to develop a
solar-powered electric car. The company has been testing the efficiency of
the car and from the test results, it has been found that the car manages to
run 20 kilometers per day for 30 days without charging, thanks to the thin
solar films present in the car.

It is quite fascinating to know that the battery levels stayed around 60-80%
in all those days. In fact, the car can be driven for an additional 30-80
kilometers, sufficient for a lot of people using cars for their daily

The car, however, doesn’t look all futuristic or visually attractive. It
follows Joylong’s own EM3 electric car’s design language. It is designed to
target the mass market in China.

The company claims that the thin-film solar panels equipped in the car
manage to generate power even on cloudy days. This is indeed a significant
achievement since weather conditions has always hindered the efficiency of
solar panels ever since its inception.

Lu Tao, the CEO of Hanergy has plans to collaborate with other electric car
makers to incorporate thin solar films to their electric cars to increase
the longevity so that owners can get sufficient time for finding an electric
power source. However, we will have to wait to see how that turns out.

In case you’re wondering, Hanergy is not the only company focusing on PV
panel roof to provide more juice. Major brands like Toyota and Hyundai are
also working on their own versions of solar-powered electric cars. 
 search on  Joylong EM3
 search evdl on  Hanergy

Solar Panels on the Chevy Bolt EV
Oct 12 2019  The Chevy Bolt EV is a ... battery electric car, so it would
make sense to offer a solar panel option. Let's look at whether solar panels
on an EV would work ...

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