(dated - 10 ccs 150kW EVSE)
Shell Transforming Petrol Station To EV Charging Station In UK
February 7th, 2020  Zachary Shahan

Shell’s vision of the EV charging ecosystem, courtesy Shell

We somehow missed this one in October, but it’s an interesting and inspiring
milestone that recently crossed our desk and seemed like it needed to be
covered. Shell announced in October that it wouldn’t just be adding EV
charging stations to more gas/petrol stations, but that it would actually be
fully converting a gas/petrol station to an EV charging station.

This particular station is in Fulham, West London, UK [
]. The goal was for the transformation to be complete by the middle of this
year. We’ll have to have one of our British contributors check out the
situation. It is supposed to have 10 charging stalls, each with 150 kW of
max charging power.

The announcement didn’t come alone, and certainly didn’t come out of the
blue. The announcement was made around the same time that Shell installed
its 50th EV charging station in the UK and its 1st high-power 150 kW
charging stall.

Reporting on this at the time, Forecourt trader noted, “It also follows last
week’s announcement about Shell’s ‘carbon neutral’ programme, giving drivers
the chance to offset their carbon dioxide emissions free of charge when they
buy fuel at its UK service stations using the Go+ card, a scheme — which
went live on October 17 — that will cost the oil major £10 million over the
next 12 months.”

“This is about us thriving through the energy transition,” noted Bernie
Williamson, Shell UK Retail’s general manager. “We’re looking at the next
evolution and the needs of our customers in the broader sense. We’re doing
nature-based solutions, giving motorists the opportunity to do something
about their carbon footprint as we continue to invest and ramp up long-term
solutions of electric vehicle charge posts for those people when they’re
ready to move to EV transportation. We’re ideally placed for that — we have
a fantastic network where over 75% of the population are within 15 minutes
of a Shell service station.”

[%writer opinions%]
Before getting to other Shell EV topics, I want to take a moment to point
out something that I think should be obvious but actually gets very little
attention and I’m yet to see implemented well. First of all, it’s well known
that gas stations make much more of their profits on what they sell inside
the station, not the gas. It’s also well known that EV drivers have more
time to spare while charging than gas car drivers have while they stand next
to the pump and watch the cash money ticker rise rapidly. It’s also well
known that humans like a nice, cozy place to sit down, drink a coffee, open
a laptop, and relax. In my opinion, everyone in this industry should be
working their butts off to create the nicest, coolest places to chill out
(and spend some cash) while their cars charge. Don’t just location your
charging stations next to nice places and popular shops — build the damn
chains yourself and make them the hot new place to hang out! Make them so
nice that people want to go there whether they have an EV or not — a
competitor to Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, the mall, the park, Disney World,

Shell has a unique opportunity to lead on this since it has an enormous
country’s worth of cash. It also has a clear, well known brand. If it
started to roll out super cool EV charging station lounges/coffee
shops/entertainment facilities, the world would take notice. And they could
make a lot more money than they’ll ever make from charging cars or filling
up gas tanks.

While I haven’t yet seen such leadership from Shell, it is at least gung ho
about the EV transition (despite what that means to its core business). Back
in October 2017, Shell bought NewMotion, one of the largest charging
networks in Europe. That followed previous announcements and developments
around EV charging, and since then Shell has bought another major charging
network, this time in the US — Greenlots.

More recently, Shell launched a program letting gas/diesel drivers atone for
their CO2 emissions, “giving drivers the chance to offset their carbon
dioxide emissions free of charge when they buy fuel at its UK service
stations using the Go+ card, a scheme — which went live on October 17 — that
will cost the oil major £10 million over the next 12 months.” Of course,
better is to just not buy gas/diesel, but Shell realizes that and seems to
be adapting fairly well to a coming world dominated by electric vehicles.
Again, my big suggestion is that Shell take the opportunity to really
transform itself and become a destination, not just a stopping ground. The
opportunity is wide open. 
[© cleantechnica.com]

 search on  shell uk charging

Hyundai boosting Kona Electric supply in Europe through Czech plant
January 30, 2020  Hyundai Motor Co will introduce its Kona Electric model at
its factory in the Czech Republic from March as it looks to triple
availability to European customers this year ... reduce delivery times for
customers in Europe ...

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