*** This is a Test of the brucedp5 Broadcast System, this is only a test ***

(?why?  late last night I spent hours putting together a post when I should 
have been asleep (affects my health). After I sent it, the nabble archive nor 
the unofficial evdl archive showed
my post. Even now, several hours later, it still isn't there.

Yet, Willie was kind enough to respond

This tells me, last night's post did go through the evdl.org server but both 
evdl achives did not process it.

Conclusion= something is chewy.
I have already sent an email to the evdl.org sys-mgr asking David to unhang any 
of my posts, and to check if I was put on the ban/bad-boy list that would keep 
my posts from going through.

Many people besides myself use the archives, thy're a useful tool.But without 
it, I am flying blind, thus invisble on the archives  :bummer:

This post was sent directly to the evdl.org server using the
Ye-Old fashioned method -email direct rather than via the nabble

If it goes through, I'll have to use this method to once again be part of the 
evdl.org . That means I'll have to repeat some
posts once the archive is working again -my apologises- )

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