While I agree with Gail that more trees would be preferable to more cars, more EV's is much more preferable to more ICE's.

Face it, those trees are eventually going to be paved over in the name of "progress", is it more or less noble to be felled for a purpose that will result in less overall global pollution?

Similar conundrum near where I live. There are these little shore birds, Snowy Plovers, which require open beach sand to lay and hatch eggs. Currently, the feds are planning on using heavy equipment, herbicides, and controlled burns to ~try~ and eliminate the european beach grass and invasive shrubs that are encroaching on the nesting areas along nearly 30 miles of shoreline. In the short term, this seems to be beneficial for the birds, but I can't help but wonder what the longer term consequences of a burning all that diesel, spraying questionable chemicals and releasing loads of carbon will be for the planet as a whole.

Maybe if the gigaplans are disrupted, new Teslas will cost the Germans more Deutsche Marks?

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