Baffled Driver In Las Vegas Tries To Fill Up His Tesla With Petrol Before
Realising It’s An Electric Car
18 Jul 2020  Emily Brown

[images  / Justin Flom/Facebook
Baffled Driver In Las Vegas Tries To Fill Up His Tesla With Petrol Before
Realising It's An Electric Car
Tesla driver attempts to put petrol pump in Tesla
Tesla driver confused trying to put petrol pump in Tesla

video  flash

A driver was left baffled as he tried desperately to fill up his Tesla with
petrol before realising it’s an electric car. 

I’m not a car person, but even I know Tesla’s whole thing is electric cars,
so it seems inconceivable to imagine someone actually driving one wouldn’t
know that.

Still, we should know to expect the unexpected these days, as this
particular Tesla driver in Las Vegas has made clear.
Check out the video ... : 

Footage shared on Facebook by magician Justin Flom shows a sleek, black,
Model 3 Tesla parked up alongside a petrol pump at a station, where the
driver got out and disposed of some rubbish from his car.

Behind the camera, Flom could be heard commenting on the absurdity of the
scene, saying: ‘This guy got a Tesla, at a gas station?’

Flom and another onlooker speculated whether the driver was just throwing
something away, but it soon became clear that the man was indeed attempting
to put petrol in the electric car.

The driver popped open the cap that conceals the charging socket and put his
credit card into the reader at the pump, evidently more than willing to
throw away money on gas that would have no impact whatsoever on the running
of his car – in fact would more likely damage it.

Before long, the driver was ready to get down to business and he picked up
the pump, ready to insert it into what he assumed was the petrol tank. He
did a double take as he realised the nozzle didn’t fit and went back into
the car to open the boot, though it’s not clear exactly what enlightenment
he was hoping to find in there.

The bemused onlookers pointed out the car didn’t have license plates yet,
indicating it was a new car and therefore suggesting this was the first time
the driver had attempted to give it some juice, but you’d think he’d at
least have had some inkling the Tesla was electric.

The confused driver eventually turned to Google to find the answers, and
thanks to the power of the internet he soon learned his mistake. Realising
what he’d done, the man could be seen yelling: ‘F*ck!’, before getting back
into the electric car and driving away.

Flom’s video has racked up tens of thousands of reactions at the time of
writing, July 18, with countless Facebook users commenting on the
unfortunate situation.

At least the driver will have learned from his mistake; here’s hoping he
doesn’t return to any petrol pumps any time soon.

+ (Musk test drove Tzero EV>
Test-driving this obscure 1997 sports car convinced Elon Musk to make
electric cars and invest in Tesla
 ... In 2003, Musk, long interested in sustainability and electric cars,
test drove a model car called the Tzero ...

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