Cal's post
 ... asks if blink is a good public EVSE for his nonprofit
to consider, and what about semaconnect, or juicebar.

First to quickly answer Cal's questions, I used  as a search tool to know what public EVSE
was in his area, what network they were on, & what EV
driver problems/issues they placed in their checkin's.

A search
 ... gives his work is located in Oberlin-OH

 ... gives nonprofits near there

Entering Oberlin, OH into  , I viewed
what public EVSE there was: not much. I expanded the
map's view to include Cleveland's (to the North-East
of Oberlin).

Then I selected just one EVSE network at a time, saw
where it was installed, then read EV driver's

Chancing I get flamed, my conclusions are:
-chargepoint is the best: reliable, but both EVSE
equipment and network fees are high (you don't
get something for nothing).
-greenlots (shell oil owned), no problems/issues
evconnect), no problems/issues mentioned.
Juice Bar (oasis)  860-308-2054
 plugshare did not show their public EVSE

No-good, Too-Many problems/issues mentioned:

Way in the past when public EVSE networks were
new, blink had a lot of problems, and semaconnect
had their share of down time to make them both,
 'iffy' charging locations.

blink was bought by car charging group, & vw's
e.america began working with them. So, according to
today's EV driver's checkin's, blink still has
woes ...

Below is a captured checkin showing, a free to use
blink public EVSE is trying to bill its customer's for
their use (what part of free is not free?) ...
EV drivers ... Charging costs vary on location and membership level - 
membership is not required.
Network Support Number: +1 888-998-2546
Get Guest Code
Free  Plugs J-1772
comment:  Agent  20201019
We are seeing positive charges for one of the chargers at this location and are 
currently working with the host/owner to facilitate the repair of the other 
charger. We would like to get the charger(s) fixed as soon as possible. Repair 
times for host-owned locations vary as the host location is responsible for the 
charger's operation and any required repairs. Sharing your concerns directly to 
the location may aid in getting the charger repaired more quickly. If you need 
assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us 24/7 at 888.998.2546 or 

IMO, blink is still too messed up to be considered ...

To select an public EVSE and supportable hardware is
a decision not unlike deciding which EV to buy.
Cal's nonprofit should be thinking about how much
the EVSE will be used and by whom?
Will its use generate enough income to cover the
EVSE network fees (break-even).

Initally, once an EVSE is installed and working,
it takes time for EV drivers to know its available.
some EVSE hardware and networks offer the host:
-to set it as free, no network fees
-available to putit on a network at a later date
-or put it on a network initially.

Btw, there were several charging sites shown that
were free, either offering a nema outlet (no EVSE),
or an EVSE set to free. Some hosts find the
electricity cost is so low, they do not bother
with network fees ...

Those with networks, are asking $1/hr to $3/hr
(some confuse users w/ per minute charges).
Since, plugging in, running in to do shopping
and then grab some food takes ~2hrs that is what
shoud be a minimum time allowed to plug in.

I found several DC-50+kW EVSE available closer
to Cleveland. So, I'll assume Cal's will be a
level-2 (L2) EVSE station,and he'll want both
ports to be able to supply 6kW.
 I hope this has been of help.

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