They should *obviously* have bought a Tesla, then!  

The UK government are living in la-la land if they seriously plan to ban the 
sale of fossil-fuelled vehicles in the UK in 9 years time *if* they do not 
*seriously* deal with this very real situation, and very quickly.  

Instavolt have only 7 locations that offer more than 100kW charging in the 
whole of the UK and there are less than 70 of the same type (or better) across 
all providers, nation-wide.  The 50kW situation is much better but these are 
not really fast enough for real long-distance travel and are a very poor second 
to even Tesla’s first gen 125kW Superchargers. However, they are fine for those 
who can’t charge at home (or work) assuming they are located somewhere that 
means the EV driver can combine charging with doing something else eg shopping 
or leisure activities... and most are not.

Gridserve's much-vaunted Braintree ‘electric fuel station’ is not open yet and 
won’t, now, until next month.

And then, as the Gruniad article points out, there is the thorny issue of 
payment.  Nearly all of the *70+* UK EV charging networks have their own 
payment system; an app or an RFID card.  It is a complete farce.

Contrast all this with Tesla’s Supercharger network and you have to ask why HMG 
(Her Majesty’s Government) don’t just pay Tesla do sort it out!

Isle of Colonsay
Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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