David Roden:
'I'm also skeptical about the future of SDVs (self driving vehicles).  I 
think that they'll eventually, maybe soon, take over in closed-circuit uses, 
but probably not on public roads.  I think that they'll be pushed out for 
sale too soon, and the resulting spectacular and highly publicised fatal 
accidents will sour the public on them.  We may also see legislation against 

Limited features such as driver assistance - basic Tesla autopilot 
functionality, lane-holding features, collision avoidance, "smart" speed 
limiters  - yes, absolutely.  But full self driving - I don't think so, not 
on public roads, not in my lifetime.  "

I’m not so sure…  Ultimately it all comes down to money and if, as I suspect is 
quite feasible, autonomous vehicles develop sufficiently to the point where 
they prevent ~90% of road traffic collisions (RTC), generally, then the savings 
in financial terms will, on its own, make autonomous vehicles happen, wether we 
like it or not. The costs I’m talking about are, for example, to insurance 
companies from prevented personal injuries, to national and local government 
and related agencies and authorities in dealing with the aftermath of 
collisions (both immediate and subsequent eg emergency services, court time, 
pathologists etc, etc) not to mention the huge and often completely overlooked 
costs of post-collision traffic congestion… the list goes on.  

Regards, Martin Winlow

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