Hi Nathan,

Back in the days of lead-acid, we used water bed heaters under the
batteries to get them to an optimal temp for charging and discharging
(about 100 degrees F). I'm thinking that you are looking to keep your pack
more in the area of 50 degrees, but I expect that the same method would
work for you.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 4:27 PM nathan christiansn via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> Hi all,
> I live in northern utah, and it can get fairly cold here in the
> winter(close to 20 fahrenheit in the night)
> I am using nissan leaf batteries in my Geo Metro EV conversion. The leaf
> batteries, as with most other lithium batteries, is not supposed to be
> charged below 32 degrees fahrenheit.
> I am worried that I will not be able to charge my EV during the winter
> because of the cold outside temperatures. I also do not currently have
> access to a heated garage.
> I am considering adding a battery heater. I was thinking of attaching one
> of those silicone heating pads that are used as ICE block heaters to
> the bottom of my 2 steel battery boxes, but I was wondering if anyone had
> any better ideas?
> Nathan
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Remember, it is not that the glass is half empty, in reality, the glass is
merely twice the size that it needs to be! -TNT'82
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