On 19 Dec 2021 at 18:50, Peter VanDerWal via EV wrote:

> For David: apparently there is a company making EV controllers called
> "Nucular"  https://nucular.tech/  However, I don't know what relatioship they
> have with Mr Bush.

Interesting!  I's a curious name.  

Are they having a little fun with words?  That used to be a great tradition 
among tech folks, but I see less of it these days.  

Could they really be needling Bush a bit?  

Or is it just the fact that they're in Russia?  Sometimes non-native English 
speakers come up with curious names and/or unusual or incorrect spellings.  
For example, if you look online you can find a range of imported pet feeding 
and watering products called "Honey Guaridan."  (Look at that second word 
more closely.)

Practically speaking, their controllers seem to be semi-vaporware (proposed 
delivery of a KIT in 7 months?), so I wonder how Lawrence's friend got one.

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
     I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating 
     a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: "The bigs hit 
     me, so I hit the babies; that's fair." In these words he 
     epitomized the history of the human race.

            -- Bertrand Russell, "Education and the Social Order"
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

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