I have no comment on company investments or valuations, but as to  the products themselves, with respect to the Vinfast BEV for sale in the US, I'm not sure if I've ever seen such scathing reviews on any vehicle as the ones aggregated in this article. Hopefully they are taking action to improve the product.

Critics Agree: The VinFast VF8 Is Very, Very Bad
From flaky turn signals to broken ADAS features and a suspension that induces nausea, critics are not impressed with VinFast's first electric SUV for America.
Adam Ismail
May 12, 2023
Comments (79)

On 8/18/2023 1:46 PM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV wrote:
https://youtu.be/saSgm3Fnfbs I wouldn't invest. However there is a lot of money 
behind Vinfast. Maybe it has a chance. Lawrence Rhodes
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