On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 3:40 PM 63urban via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Please explain how a flammable gas is not an energy source?

Propane, from the gas in a well - capture it, light it, it burns and heat
is released. There are tons of calories in oil or natural gas.

Hydrogen cracked from the gas and oil from a well - is a source of heat
The energy to segregate the hydrogen is less than what is generated when it
is burned. It depends on the contents of the well output how efficient this
is. There are old wells in Ohio and Penn that are 50% carbon dioxide. Not
an efficient way to go.

Hydrogen electrolyzed from water (with electrons from solar, or wind if it
is renewable, lignite or coal or similar if not renewable) at great cost in
electric power and with poor efficiency - is better described as a
transport medium, but it provides energy by burning (another loss of
efficiency). If you just have some H laying around, I suppose it is worth
using, but if you have to work for it very much it is not high in calories.,

So "flammable gas" is a very squishy concept. So is energy source versus
energy transport medium.

Michael E. Ross
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