Do we want to schedule a chat session for figuring out what we can do
differently for next year?

If you have data you want me to capture in a survey or a spreadsheet please
feel free to send my way.

We have a bunch of blog posts and some numbers floating around the web,
let's gather them all in one document.

How many you expected, how many rsvp'd and how many actually showed up..
what you gave away (did you provide food or not) whatever logistics you
think will help
us plan for next time.

For example, I posted on a forum at LinkedIN and received and email from
Steve Holden asking why we didn't contact Python Software Foundation (and he
blogged about the fact that we didn't contact them) so we need to check into
various related organizations that might be interested in participating and
document them.

Maybe best if we just do it on Open Plans Wiki??

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