Can we please flip the logo on the side back to a normal orientation?

The Plone logo looks all wrong from that angle. The existing WPD logo has a
version that should fit in the margin anyway, so no need to flip it. :)

2010/2/12 Maurizio Delmonte <>

> Great!
> well wpd twitter account already started using this tag, easy and short
> enough:
> :)
> Maurizio
> Il giorno 12/feb/10, alle ore 06:55, Tim Knapp ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I just got in contact with Apress re. sponsoring World Plone Day 2010
> and they've agreed to do this, which is great but they also wanted to
> tweet about it and therefore wanted to confirm what the tweet should be
> tagged as. Are we going to use 'WPD2010' for all our
> flickr/twitter/delicious/etc posts?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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