Hi Spencer,

Thanks for fixing it so fast!  The updated built_docs.zip finished at

El jue, 7 mar 2024 a la(s) 7:21 p.m., Pennington, Spencer via
Evergreen-documentation (evergreen-documentation@list.evergreen-ils.org)

> Hey all-
> I committed changes to address the image issues on the same pull request
> <https://github.com/evergreen-library-system/Evergreen/pull/253>.
> I added the images folder in staff_catalog/assets, organized the images by
> page within the images folder, and updated the image references in the
> adocs.
> If someone would let me know when the built_docs.zip is available, I would
> love to see how it looks... Thanks!
> Best,
> Spencer
> *Spencer Pennington*
> *University of North Alabama*
> *Technical Writing (MA)*
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