Fantastic news. Thank you so much to everyone who helped with this!

Benjamin Kalish
Forbes Library / 413-587-1012 /

Support Forbes Library:

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Currently reading: *Pretender *by C. J. Cherryh
Just Finished: *Artificial Condition *by Martha Wells

For information about accessibility at the library, please see:

On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 10:22 AM Terran McCanna via Evergreen-general <> wrote:

> Congratulations and enormous thanks to the participants in this week's Bug
> Squashing Week for making it another very successful community activity!
> Some highlights of the week:
>    - The complicated project to consolidate the patron alerts, messages,
>    and notes <> into a
>    single interface has been given one last test and accepted into core
>    Evergreen.
>    - The overhaul of the triggered event log
>    <> (which shows staff
>    when messages were sent to patrons for preminders, holds, and overdues,
>    among other things) has been completed and will now work for large
>    libraries and consortiums!
>    - The Holds Pull List
>    <> has been
>    angularized (ie, rewritten in current Angular code), tested, and accepted
>    into core Evergreen.
>    - A significant amount of testing was done on the overhaul of the
>    patron interfaces <>.
>    - A number of small usability improvements have been completed and
>    added to core Evergreen for both the OPAC and the staff client, including
>    using the patron's preferred name on the staff catalog Place Hold
>    screen <>,  improving
>    the tab order of the OPAC login screen
>    <>, adding the
>    ability to see the number of circulations by year
>    <> on the item status
>    screen, a fix to the pending address bug
>    <> with patron save &
>    clone, preventing staff from logging in to the staff client with
>    old/outdated card numbers
>    <>, the place hold
>    button in the staff client will now be grayed out if no copies on the
>    record are available for holds
>    <>, and many more!
>    - Numerous internal code and sysadmin bug fixes and performance
>    improvements have been also tested and accepted into core Evergreen.
>    - And the core committers broke all previous Bug Squashing Week
>    records and committed a whopping 47 fixes and features to core Evergreen!
> The Bug Squashing Week Summary is available here:
> Thank you to everyone involved!
> Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager
> ------------------------------
> Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia
> 2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341
> (404) 235-7138 |
> |
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> libraries making an impact in our communities.
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