Dear all,

We are on Evergreen 3.6.4 and are trying to make the following trigger (notification email) work. We have some other notification emails working correctly, so I suppose we probably have something wrong with the trigger configuration itself rather than with the email server.

This notification is supposed to send an email to users who have not returned their checked-out item(s) in time - it should send the message one day after the due date.

Currently, we have the following setup:

*Owning Library*: JAB

*Name: *1 Day Overdue Email Notification - Jabok

*Hook:* checkout.due

*Enabled:* True

*Processing Delay:* 1 day

*Processing Delay Context Field:* due_date

*Processing Group Context Field:* usr

*Reactor: *SendEmail

*Validator:* CircIsOverdue

*Granularity:* Daily

*Max Event Validity Delay:* 2 days


[%- USE date -%]
[%- user = target.0.usr -%]
To: [%- params.recipient_email || %]
From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
Subject: Nevracene knihy

Ctenar: [% user.family_name %], [% user.first_given_name %]

Dovolujeme si Vas  upozornit, ze uplynula vypujcni lhuta u nekterych vypujcentych knihovnich jednotek. Na Vasem konte zacalo nabyvat zpozdne ve vysi 2 Kc za knihovni jednotku a den.

Vypujcky s uplynulou vypujcni lhutou jiz NELZE PRODLOUZIT a proto je nutne je prinest k vraceni do knihovny (pokud nejsou rezervovane jinym ctenarem, je pote eventualne mozne jejich opetovne pujceni). Dokud nebudou vraceny (a zaroven dokud nebudou zaplaceny poplatky za zpozdne), je ctenarske konto blokovano a NENI MOZNE PRODLUZOVAT VYPUJCNI LHUTU zadnych vypujcenych knihovnich jednotek ani PUJCOVAT NEBO REZERVOVAT ZADNE DOKUMENTY. Je take pozastavena moznost splneni drive zadanych rezervaci nebo blokaci.

Seznam knihovnich jednotech, u kterych jiz uplynula vypujcni lhuta:

[% FOR circ IN target %]
    [%- copy_details = helpers.get_copy_bib_basics( -%]
    Nazev: [% copy_details.title %]
    Autor: [% %]
    Carovy kon: [% circ.target_copy.barcode %]
    K vraceni dne: [% date.format(helpers.format_date(circ.due_date), '%Y-%m-%d') %]

[% END %]

All other available fields are empty in our setup.

Compared to 7 Day Overdue Email Notification from (which is Evergreen 3.8.0), fields Context Bib Path, Context Item Path and Context Library Path are missing from our interface. Have they been added to the interface in some of the more recent Evergreen versions? Or is it something we have lost along the way when migrating from older Evergreen versions (during the upgrade process)? This installation of ours is actually more than a decade old and keeps being upgraded each year...

Also, I have noticed that our template actually does not include:

Date: [%- date.format(, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]

Auto-Submitted: auto-generated

However, we have another one that seems to be working fine where these two lines are also omitted...

The aforementioned 3.8.0 Evergreen demo also has - compared to what we have:

*Opt-In Setting Type*: circ.default_overdue_notices_enabled

*Opt-In User**Field:* usr

What is also different is that we have a daily granularity while the demo installation does not have any. Also, the demo server has a longer Max Event Validity Delay - 8 days - while we only have two (maybe two days are not sufficient in this case?).

(I understand that the demo server may not include the pristine setup of this trigger as anybody could change it so - probably in theory rather than in practice - some non-default values might have been inserted since it was last replaced with the original demo/default data. However, I think it may be a good starting point for making the comparisons anyway.)

Does anyone have any idea what should be wrong in our configuration? Or where else should we look (like library opening hours, granularity values accepted by the cron job or something else entirely)?

Thank you in advance for sharing any tips!

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