Dear Michele,

Thank you for highlighting this bug!

I have summed up your observation and added it as a comment to the bug so that it is easier for others to figure this out (and look forward for the patch to be included in the future releases :-)!


On 7/6/22 17:24, Morgan, Michele wrote:
Hi Linda,

Since the purpose of a custom filter is to further limit events that are being created, adding one would not help if no events are currently succeeding.

Perhaps you are running into this launchpad bug:

Since your triggers are using the same hook and reactor as the one that emails records from the catalog, I would suspect yours would also be affected by this bug.

Hope this is helpful,

Michele M. Morgan, Technical Support Analyst
North of Boston Library Exchange, Danvers Massachusetts

On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 4:49 AM Linda Jansová via Evergreen-general <> wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    As we have not managed to find a solution yet, we have examined
    the documentation
    again and have found out that a JSON custom filters can be added:

    --custom-filters=[filter_file]: File containing a JSON Object
    which describes any hooks that should use a user-defined filter to
    find their target objects. Defaults to:

    Should the default (example) file;a=blob;f=Open-ILS/examples/action_trigger_filters.json.example;h=c56559f584c148b3a90808df6bb3c650fba0c3dd;hb=HEAD

    be okay? Or should some changes be made to it so that the hook actually sends the emails?*

    Anyway, we believe that the following line from our crontab should
    take care of sending out the emails resulting from the processing
    of the aforementioned hook:

    */5 * * * * . ~/.bashrc && $EG_BIN_DIR/
    <> --osrf-config $SRF_CORE

    But maybe we are mistaken to assume that this trigger (without any
    granularity) is handled using this crontab command?

    Any hints as to what and where check are much appreciated!


    On 6/29/22 16:58, Linda Jansová wrote:

    Dear all,

    We are trying to make our action triggers work - we are on a 3.6
    system and so far we have not found a working solution for a
    trigger that would send an email after a bib record is created.

    As we suspect that there might be something wrong with our
    crontab, attached is its current crontab setup.

    Bellow are two action triggers which we have (both
    unsuccessfully) tried. The first one uses our original template
    code (which - for some reason - had worked before we upgraded to
    3.6 last year) and the second one uses the template code from a
    3.9 community demo system
    I am well aware that there is a version mismatch in the second
    case but we decided to at least give it a try before digging deeper.

    *Action trigger with original template code and settings
    (Evergreen 3.6):*

    *Owning Library: *CONS*
    Hook: **
    Enabled:* ticked*
    Processing Delay:* 00:00:00*
    Processing Delay Context Field:* empty*
    Processing Group Context Field:* owner*
    Reactor:* SendEmail*
    Validator:* NOOP_True*
    Event Repeatability Delay:* empty

    *Definition ID:* 165*
    Failure Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*
    Granularity:* empty*
    Max Event Validity Delay:* empty*
    Message Library Path:* empty*
    Message Template:* empty*
    Message Title:* empty*
    Message User Path:* empty*
    Opt-In Setting Type:* empty*
    Opt-In User Field:* empty*
    Retention Interval:* empty*
    Success Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*

    [%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]

    To: [%- params.recipient_email || %]

    From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]

    Subject: Informace o dokumentech v katalogu

    [% FOR cbreb IN target %][% title = '' %]

    [% FOR item IN cbreb.items;

    bre_id = item.target_biblio_record_entry;

    bibxml = helpers.unapi_bre(bre_id, {flesh => '{mra}'});

    FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or

    title = title _ part.textContent;


    author =

    item_type =

    publisher = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260" or

    pubdate = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260" or

    isbn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;

    issn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;

    upc = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;


    Číslo záznamu [% bre_id %]

    [% title %] [% author %]

    [% publisher %] [% pubdate %]

    [% IF isbn %]ISBN: [% isbn %][% END %][% IF issn %]ISSN: [% issn
    %][% END %]

    Odkaz na záznam ve Společném katalogu Evergreen:[% bre_id %]

    [% END %]

    [% END %]


    TIP: Odkaz na záznam(y) v katalogu vaší knihovny:

    Pokud chcete vytvořit odkaz na knihu/dokument přímo do katalogu
    vaší knihovny, přidejte čísla záznamu na konec níže uvedeného URL
    vaší knihovny (za poslední lomítko):

    - Knihovna Jabok:

    - Evangelikální teologický seminář:

    - Jáchymka:

    - Katolický domov studujících:

    - Člověk v tísni:

    - Hospic Dobrého Pastýře:

    *Action trigger with template code from the community demo server
    (Evergreen 3.9):*

    *Owning Library:* CONS*
    Name:* BibliografickeZaznamyEmail*
    Hook:* biblio.format.record_email

    *Enabled:* ticked*
    Processing Delay:* 00:00:00*
    Processing Delay Context Field:* empty*
    Processing Group Context Field:* owner*
    Reactor: *SendEmail*
    Validator:* NOOP_True*
    Event Repeatability Delay:* empty*
    Definition ID:* 213*
    Failure Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*
    Granularity:* empty*
    Max Event Validity Delay:* empty*
    Message Library Path:* empty*
    Message Template:* empty*
    Message Title:* empty*
    Message User Path:* empty*
    Opt-In Setting Type:* empty*
    Opt-In User Field:* empty*
    Retention Interval:* empty*
    Success Cleanup:* DeleteTempBiblioBucket*

    [%- USE date -%]

    [%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]

    To: [%- params.recipient_email || || %]

    From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]

    Date: [%- date.format(, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]

    Subject: [%- user_data.0.subject || 'Bibliographic Records' %]

    Auto-Submitted: auto-generated

    [%- FOR cbreb IN target;

    flesh_list = '{mra';

    IF user_data.0.type == 'full';

    flesh_list = flesh_list _ ',holdings_xml,acp';

    IF params.holdings_limit;

    flimit = 'acn=>' _ params.holdings_limit _ ',acp=>' _



    flesh_list = flesh_list _ '}';

    item_list = helpers.sort_bucket_unapi_bre(cbreb.items,{flesh =>
    flesh_list, site => user_data.0.context_org, flesh_limit =>
    flimit}, user_data.0.sort_by, user_data.0.sort_dir);

    FOR item IN item_list -%]

    [% loop.count %]/[% loop.size %]. Bib ID# [%
    <> %]

    [% IF item.isbn %]ISBN: [% item.isbn _ "\n" %][% END -%]

    [% IF item.issn %]ISSN: [% item.issn _ "\n" %][% END -%]

    [% IF item.upc %]UPC: [% item.upc _ "\n" %][% END -%]

    Title: [% item.title %]

    [% IF %]Author: [% _ "\n" %][% END -%]

    Publication Info: [% item.publisher %] [% item.pubdate %]

    Item Type: [% item.item_type %]

    [% IF user_data.0.type == 'full' && == 0 %]

    * No items for this record at the selected location

    [%- END %]

    [% FOR cp IN -%]

    * Library: [% cp.circ_lib %]

    Location: [% cp.location %]

    Call Number: [% cp.prefix _ ' ' _ cp.callnumber _ ' ' _ cp.suffix %]

    [% IF %] Parts: [% _ "\n" %][% END -%]

    Status: [% cp.status_label %]

    Barcode: [% cp.barcode %]

    [% END -%]

    [%- END -%]

    [%- END -%]

    Do you have any idea about what might be preventing the trigger
    from working properly? Or could you please share your working config?

    Or is there a way to switch on a debug mode in logging that could
    shed more light on what is happening in our system when it comes
    to action triggers and emails?

    Thank you very much for any hints!



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