Hi All,

I'm finalizing our translation for the OPAC (Bootstrap), and I had a
question about the wrapper format in this
file: Open-ILS/src/templates-bootstrap/opac/parts/myopac/base.tt2

Here's an example:

{children => 3, parent => "parent",url => "circs", text => l("<i class='fas
fa-book' aria-hidden='true'></i> <span class='sumNum'>[_1]</span>Items
Checked Out", ctx.user_stats.checkouts.total_out), name =

This file is in regards to the headers in the my opac menu seen in the

I have the strings translated in the es-ES.po file that refers to the path
file above, but I'm not seeing the translation in the GUI.  Is it possible
that the format of the wrappers is causing this issue?  If so, would anyone
know how it should be formatted?  I tried different variations but couldn't
get anything to stick.

Feel free to email me off list if you want!  Thanks!

Gina Monti
Evergreen Systems Specialist
Bibliomation, Inc.
(203) 577-4070 ext. 109
Evergreen-general mailing list

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