
On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 9:40 AM John Amundson via Evergreen-general <
evergreen-general@list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:

> We have one library that wants to allow payments on OPAC-only computers
> but not have them fully open to the internet. We suggested allowing the
> entire *.stripe.com domain through. The library was not comfortable
> allowing the full domain, so I suggested adding the 30 or so domain names
> that Stripe suggests - https://stripe.com/docs/ips.

I don't think we have, or can have, any authoritative way to suggest a
subset of Stripe's own list that can be guaranteed to not break the
integration (or not interfere with technical measures that Stripe takes to
detect or combat credit card fraud). The most I can suggest is asking
Stripe directly whether any of the domains on that list (e.g.,
dashboard.stripe.com) are not strictly required for the payment integration
itself, as opposed to the websites that the library would need to access in
order to manage their Stripe account.


Galen Charlton
Implementation and IT Manager
Equinox Open Library Initiative
phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
direct: 770-709-5581
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