
Here in Westchester we centrally manage all of our member libraries' staff
user accounts, using Active Directory and LDAP. We manage most staff users'
Evergreen access, network access, and devices, through VDI.

One major source of friction is that workstation is required at login, and
workstation - along with saved username/password - is saved to browser
local storage. If for some reason, the browser being used doesn;t connect
to local storage, staff need to re-register a workstation. If staff do not
use the exact same workstation name, they create a new workstation with
none of their saved workstation settings, or they connect to one of several
variant workstations.

In short, we are looking for other sites who are interested in / have
thoughts about the staff login process.

Several of us from WLS will be at the conference, if there is interest in
an in-person discussion.


*Lindsay Stratton*
*Systems Librarian*
Westchester Library System
570 Taxter Rd., 4th Floor
Elmsford, NY 10523
Evergreen-general mailing list

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