Hello, is anyone else tracking all the stale cover art that they come
across through Content Cafe?  I'm getting frustrated with it because the
B&T content cafe support staff have stopped responding to my emails about
the issues, and none of the reported issues ever get resolved.

I have a list of 20 isbn's with pre-pub images, 102 with no image, 4 with
back cover image, and one with a sideways image.

We started reporting the problems to them in April 2023.  Apparently their
Redis cache that backs the XML request method that Evergreen makes use of
never expires images once they are initially loaded.  I can rule out
Evergreen's caching having anything to do with it by placing the request
directly using the Postman service.

Has anyone else been reporting issues to them and have been getting a
response?  If anyone else wants to compare spreadsheets I'm happy to share
what we have found so far.

The Evergreen ILS seems to be the only ILS that makes use of the XML
Request method to grab added content from them, and that seems to be the
only method that has issues.

Can anyone recommend a different cover art vendor that they have been happy


[image: Company logo]
*Josh Stompro*
IT Director
stomp...@gsuite.larl.org | 218-233-3757 ext. 139 | 218-790-2110
*Lake Agassiz Regional Library *
118 5th ST S
Moorhead MN 56560
*Our mission is to enrich lives and strengthen communities.*
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