Our bookmobile visits the public schools in our county, we sign each student up for library cards when they are in the 1st grade. We mail their Evergreen library card to their house to their parents. We are finding that when they are ready to start using the library they/their parents have lost their library card and we are issuing new cards to them. 


Does anyone assign a card number (i.e. 1234perry) to a student until they are old enough or a parent comes in a requests a card for the student? I feel as though we are wasting cards and postage when we are replacing cards a few years down the road. This would only be used on our bookmobile, if they came in and wanted to use the library they would issue them a physical card. 


Just a thought, any help is greatly appreciated. 



Brandi Sanders

Bookmobile Director

Perry County Public Library

2328 Tell Street

Tell City, IN 47586





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