Hello, I noticed that with our EG 3.11.1 system it isn't possible to create
a new part in the AngularJS catalog/Dojo interface,
/eg/conify/global/biblio/monograph_part?r=188963 for example.

When the save button is pressed to create a new part, there is a CONNECT
call and then a call to open-ils.pcrud.transaction.begin.  The transaction
begin call fails with a http 400 Bad Request page error.

I enabled debug logging to see this in the gateway logs.
osrf_http_translator 2023-10-23 20:19:58 [ERR
:2026:osrf_cache.c:87:169811038420260] Failed to cache key:value

So I think I understand that my IP is trying to be cached, so that
subsequent requests will go to the same backend, but that is failing.

And then later on when the transaction begin call wants to grab the cached
ip, that also fails.
osrf_http_translator 2023-10-23 20:19:58
[DEBG:2026:osrf_cache.c:105:169811038420261] Failed to get key
[0.10253501323116211698110395845] - SERVER HAS FAILED AND IS DISABLED UNTIL

This is on a  Debian 12.2 (Bookworm) system, with memcached 1.6.18 running
locally on the same machine.  My memcached is vanilla, only change is
allowing it to use more memory for the cache.

memcached seems to be working in general, most functionality is fine.  But
memcdump --server=localhost does stop listing early with an error on the
Debian 12 systems...  with the error
"Failed to dump keys:(0x7ffec29c9770) CONNECTION FAILURE(Connection
refused),  host: localhost:11211 -> ./src/libmemcached/io.cc:145"

I have a test system(Copy of production) with EG 3.11.1 running on Debian
11.8 with memcached 1.6.9, that doesn't show this issue.  So I'm leaning
towards there being some bug in Memcached in Debian 12.

Has anyone run into this before?  Any other suggestions for things to look
into?  Maybe memcached with verbose logging turned on?

I put fuller logs at

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*Josh Stompro*
IT Director
stomp...@gsuite.larl.org | 218-233-3757 ext. 139 | 218-790-2110
*Lake Agassiz Regional Library *
118 5th ST S
Moorhead MN 56560
*Our mission is to enrich lives and strengthen communities.*
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