> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hal Ruhl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >I think I get it. If nothing exists, that is a state which contains some
> >information (i.e. "nothing exists"). To reduce the total
> >information content of the system to zero, the state of nothing existing
> >must be balanced by states in which something exist. Is
> >that right (roughly) ?
> Yes that is my current offering to the effort.  I see the Everything since
> it contains all information as both manifest and not manifest
> simultaneously.  It would be in a sort of fuzzy logic state
> like 1/2 rather than either 0 or 1.

If nothing exists, including any external time, then the Everything (also known as 
"the Plenitude", perhaps) contains all available
states as a fixed N-dimensional structure (N might well be uncountable infinity). If 
there *is* an external time, on the other hand,
one can imagine some sort of alternation between Nothing and Something. (Otherwise the 
only sort of alternation possible is a sort
of logical one, perhaps?)


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