I am a licensed Professional Engineer.
BSEE The University of Illinois - Champaign/Urbana; 1966
MSEE Syracuse University; 1970
Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu
A member of Mensa

 From 1966 to about 1987 I worked in the power semiconductor/power 
electronics industry.  I published some papers on the subject such as in 
the IEEE "Transactions on Electron Devices."

Since 1987 I have been chief engineer at a medium size aerospace 
company.  My most recent publication [coauthored with my brother] is in the 
Winter 1997 U. C. Davis Law Review and is an application of complex system 
ideas to illuminating the effects of the burgeoning of the law.

My interest in material relevant to the list dates back a rather long 
time.  About 10 years ago this interest increased due to a general 
dissatisfaction with the statistical approach to the founding of 
thermodynamics during a dab at writing a social science fiction novel.  The 
intended moral is somewhat reflected in the title of Brian Czech's book: 
"Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train" though I propose a purposely cyclic 
economy/population since "steady state" seems an empty but dangerous quest 
for so many reasons.  [Growth is the derivative of size and when it comes 
to an economy entrepreneurs can find fertile ground when it is either 
positive or negative and the required rule set can have low complexity - 
the latter seemingly coinciding with an interpretation of Joseph Tainter's 
"The collapse of Complex Societies".  Being in the aerospace business I see 
the negative marginal utility of new rules every day.]  The social science 
fiction approach to the moral seems a little bit like the possible 
background driver for the book "The Mote in God's Eye" by Larry Niven and 
Jerry Pournelle.

About four or five years ago this line of thought lead me to the idea that 
our universe could be based on no net information.  I was then pointed to 
this list by participants on another list.

My current approach the issue of origins is to try to find our universe in 
a zero information Everything type of ensemble.  I am not looking for why 
we are in our universe because I see any result - such as "our universe and 
its close relations form some major fraction of the population" - as net 
information in the Everything and therefore I reject such a search as a 
departure from and  incompatible with a zero information 
foundation.  Further I see machine based approaches such as a UD as also 
requiring the Everything to have non zero information and so currently 
reject them.

My current interests are to further refine my model based on the idea of a 
zero information ensemble of counterfactuals, look for possible 
observational evidence to support it, and see if I can make any predictions 
with it.  For example my discrete point space grid idea would be just a 
ground condition - any number of excited conditions would be possible 
including something a little like a "gas" of points.  Thus I see no end to 
the "particles" we will observe with ever higher energy machines, but I 
currently see no place for an association of a "particle" and what we see 
as gravity.  I currently see no "Free Will" nor do I see a central [non 
passive] role for an "observer".  The rules of evolution of a universe - 
which I see as a large lookup table applied locally to each of the discrete 
points rather like a cellular automaton - would be strictly followed unless 
a state to state transition corresponded with the injection of true noise 
from the dynamic of the ensemble.

I see lookup tables [all alphabet and {if - then}'s] as below formal 
systems so I do not see formal system mathematics or any of its member 
systems as pointers to the correct base model whatever it may be.  However, 
the extension of the base model to particular universes can make good use 
of such systems to the extent that such systems of mathematics are large 
scale [spanning many rows of the table and many state to state iterations 
and many cells within the automaton] approximations to the lookup 
tables.  Further the arrival at such a lookup table base involves a "logic" 
in the sense that the components of the Everything must form a complete and 
thus zero information set of counterfactuals.

My ultimate interest is in "life" and its nature and behavior especially 
its possible dependence on and response to true noise in its universe and 
how to build reasonably robust social systems that would attract all 
varieties of "reasonable" people.

I feel this list has an excellent chance of eventually arriving at what 
seems to me to be the collective goal - a simple explanation for what I 
believe to be my environment.  I also think the list needs a FAQ like 
document of a sort that suits it.  I made an attempt to write one but ran 
out of time for awhile.

As to my reading I own at least 150 books with relevant content that I have 
read or browsed.
As to weather any of these seem to be an identifiable near precursor to my 
current approach I do not believe so.


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