John Collins wrote:
> For instance, our planet might have
> experienced an unusually high number of 'near misses' with other
> astronomical bodies.

I'm always amused by the sense of deja-vu which occured on mailing
lists. There I was looking at the moon, thinking how lucky we are it
caught a number of astronomical bodies instead of us, only to come to
the computer and find the same/similar topic being broght up. Sit on
enough mailing lists and it soon becomes apparent the same/similar thing
gets thought of (and at times communicated) by a significant number of
people for it to be more than mere co-incidence.

(Brings to mind the research being done as to whether a mass
concentration of thought can actually affect the outcome of a random
computational process - with some successes already being demonstrated)

See the Global Consciousness Project for
more information on this.

> Now that we're here to watch, the universe will be
> forced to obey the law of averages, so there could be a significantly
> higher probability of a deadly asteroid collision than would be
> indicated by the historical frequeny of said events. Perhaps we should
> carefully compare how often the other planets have been hit with how
> often we have: They certainly look more craterful....

See above :-)
What if on an purely unconscious level we can manipulate reality itself?

If in a group of prepared trials, a number of people concentrating on a
single number (all the same number) can cause a computational random
number generator to be statistically less than random for the duration
of that 'group' thought then maybe the same process can apply outside of
merely influencing an electrical process. Maybe it can be extended to
matter itself?

Perhaps there are two ways of looking at it:
a) in any universe which gives rise to complex organisms (perhaps
sentient) there is a statistically lower averare of astronomical
collissions compared to other bodies in the same region, leading to the
argument that the lower than average collisions allowed for complex
organisms to form
b) in any universe which gives rise to complex organisms, the number of
astronomical collisions will decline in proportion to the complexity of
the biological organisms present (even if that means sending organisms
into space to reroute potential collisions :-P)

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"I suppose the secret to happiness is learning to appreciate the
moment." -Calvin

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