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From: "Stathis Papaioannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 25 April 2004 Kory Heath wrote:

Yes, your theory states that the chances are 100% that some copy will find itself in the non-bizarre world. But the theory also states that the chances are very low - one in a billion - that *I* will be that copy. Why isn't this second probability important? It seems to me that you only care about the first probability, and disregard the second as irrelevant.

Lets go over this again. There is a 100% chance that some copy of Kory Heath will find himself in the non-bizarre world, even though there will be one billion copies which find themselves in the bizarre worlds. If that single, lucky copy is not *you*, then who is he? Or rather, I should ask, if you are not *you*, then who are you? Force of habit makes us think that only one copy can be the "real" you, which is what you are assuming when you say that "the chances are very low - one in a billion - that *I* will be that copy". If all these copies exist, then each is equally entitled to claim to be the "real" you, and each will probably stamp his foot and insist that he (and he alone) *is* the real you. This is what I tried to show with my teleportation vacation thought experiment. The stay-home copy believes he has been cheated because he (the "real" he, in his opinion) missed out on seeing the planets, whereas in fact two thousand copies with equal claim to being the "real" person did find themselves off Earth.

I suppose our minds really are not designed to deal with the concept of multiple copies of ourselves. We insist that there can only be one copy extant at a time, and reason as if this is the case. It becomes less problematic if we talk only about third person probabilities.

Incidentally, this point applies to any "many worlds" theory, not just the Platonia idea.

--Stathis Papaioannou

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