physical pattern (constraint on the arrangement of matter and energy in space and time)
physical process (physical pattern with characteristics like that some regular and often localized, and yet complex
form of change is of its essence. Can be described as comprised of states, events, and subprocesses)
| ........................................................................|
physical computational process                   physical sensing process

The | relation is "is-a" inheritance.

Does that help successfully communicate what I mean by a pattern that computes and stores information about
its surroundings?


Brent Meeker wrote:

Eric Hawthorne wrote
An observer is a pattern in space-time (a physical
process) which engages
in the processing and storage
of information about its surroundings in space-time.

This seems like a failure to communicate because of mixing levels
of description. If you're going to define "observer" as a pattern
you need to say what kind of pattern it is.  If you skip to a
functional, "processing and storage" or intentional "engages in"
level of description then you introduce terms with no definite
relation to patterns.

Brent Meeker


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