I received a comment asking what I mean by "possible" in :

"Within the All all the states of all possible universes informationally exist."

Here I do not wish at this time to restrict the meaning of "possible". For example some argue that "all logically possible worlds" is a correct view. While I do not oppose this view generally, I am having an off list discussion along the lines of: What does "logically possible" mean?

I received another comment:

Furthermore ALL has no info, since it has ALL equally. How can Nothing
"choose" "information" from the nonexisting info to replenish its noexisting
info? Does it make it by selectively reducing ALL?

The All contains all information, but has no net information. There is no reason why the Nothing can not spontaneously breach the Everything and start to ingest [at random] sub components of the All which is exactly what the evolving Somethings are doing - as waves of "physical reality" - which at any stage of the ingestion except the last one divide the All into two sub components.


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