Dear Hal,
in "my" multiverse it is a characteristic of this 'our' world to have
developed (into?) a space and time system. I would not assign
time to all others just becauseso we can understand it better.
(The story of the driver who looks for his (in the darkenss) dropped carkeys
around the corner under the streetlamp, because there he can see better).
I don't understand (or know) how to handle atemporal worlds, but - Hey! - do
we understand everything? (only on this list).

Have a good 2005

John Mikes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hal Ruhl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: Belief Statements

> My views on the subject of a multiverse are:
> 1) The base level embedding system should have no net information.
> 2) The base level embedding system should have a dynamic.
> The above seem to have consequences:
> i) There can be no down select [limitation] on the number of worlds.
> ii)  There can be no down select on the properties of worlds.
> Comments so far:
> What is a world?  In my view a world is just some sequence of temporary
> physical reality given to individual members of an infinite ensemble of
> preexisting packets of information I call kernels.  Such members of the
> ensemble would be world kernels.  A world kernel encodes a single state.
> portion of some such kernels could be considered to be a memory [perhaps a
> false one] of past states.  The dynamic of (2) gives a brief physical
> reality to world kernels in some sequence thereby producing a world.
> iii) Each step of the dynamic must be inconsistent with its past.
> Comments:
> Eventually the dynamic gives physical reality to world kernels in a
> sequence that has an evolution with respect to sub components [non
> of course] within these kernels that seems to them consistent with some
> of rules.  There can be no down select on the types of rules.
> I have posted my proposal for such a base level embedding system in the
> All/Nothing multiverse model" thread.
> Hal

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