Bruno wrote:

Actually I am not sure I can put any meaning on the word "free-will". My old defense (in this and other list) was just a defense of the notion of will. If someone can explain me how he/she distinguish free-will from will, I would be glad.


I currently consider "Free Will" to be a noun as in "I acted of my own free will." and perhaps it should be hyphenated as Bruno does.

I currently consider "will" to be a verb. As in "I will the board to break." This idea seems more tenuous than "free will".

I have argued that Turing's result re decision procedures points towards full determinacy in the evolution of worlds [as would it seems pre loading the All, or the Everything, or the Plenitude with all information - [some of which would then not describe worlds]] and it may also point towards the illusion of "free will" by limiting the number of descriptions of states of worlds to a countable set resulting in the truncation of "memory".

In terms of reward/punishment the illusion of "free will" should be just as relevant [or non relevant] as the real thing so long as agents [another illusion? perhaps "structure" is better] can change from world state to world state ["learn"] which seems inherent in the idea of "evolving world".

Is such a possible illusion, or its origin, the origin of the concept of consciousness? Sort of an illusion or perhaps "inductive inference" [as per Bruno] of self consistency due to the truncation of "memory"?


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