Le 06-juin-05, à 07:14, rmiller a écrit :

Slip-ups aside, I would like to see a rigorous application of the powerful tools of philosophy, logic and mathematics applied to the study areas of social science, i.e. the real world. Physicists are great at telling us why the rings of Saturn have braids, but terrible (or worse than that, dismissive) of events that occur involving consciousness. (Social scientists are no better---they fall back on things like structural functionalism). I suggest its time for the social scientists to let the logicians and mathematicians have a look at the data, and it's time for the logicians and mathematicians to enter the real world and make an honest attempt at trying to explain some strange phenomena.

That asking too much?

In the long run, it could be a nice and useful project. Today it is premature I'm afraid.
Logic is not yet applied to physics, except by a minority.
Scientific attitude is still despised in most of the human science, and even in a big part of "exact" science. Argument against cannabis, against the Irak war, against the "yes" or the "no" for the european constitution are full or purely logical errors; of the type of confusion between "p -> q" and "q -> p" (actually that sort of errors grows exponentially since the last 20 years).

Yes you are asking too much right now. Most people still believe Science is reductionnist, when Science is by its very nature the most modest and antireductionnist conceivable attitude.

But go for it if you feel you can do it, sure. Now be careful of your own prejudices, in particular the notion of coincidence is infinitely tricky ...



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