Le 04-juil.-06, à 23:37, Lee Corbin a écrit :

> Bruno had written
>> [Lee wrote]
>> What do you think of your survival chances if you happen to know
>> that after you fall asleep tonight, you will be disintegrated,
>> but the information will be used to create two exact duplicates,
>> and then one of the duplicates is vaporized and the other
>> returned to your bed completely unaware?
>> Zero?  (I.e., you don't survive the "teleportation" aspect at all.)
>> One-half?  (I.e., your soul goes into one at random, and if that's
>>             the one that dies, then your number is up.)
>> One?   (I.e., Stathis will wake up in bed for sure tomorrow, and
>>         resume his life just as he has done everyday (since our
>>          fiendish experiments began when he was five years old))
> and then Bruno said: "Interesting question. I am interested in your
> own answer. I let Stathis answer (to see if he will give the comp one).
> Note that the comp answer here is not needed in the UDA argument where
> overlapping reconstitution (like in duplications) are never followed by
> somethings which looks (at least) like a murder."
> Well, in the first place, I assume that when a question is asked of
> anyone on this list, EVERYONE is invited to answer. Certainly when
> I ask any question, it is for everyone, even if it's true that at
> the moment I seem more interested in some particular person's answer.

Me too. Now when threads interferes I ask


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