Le 18-août-06, à 19:01, 1Z a écrit :

> That is quite different from conjuring up existential conclusions
> from non-existential premises.

I believe there exist numbers, prime numbers, even numbers, etc. and in 
relative universal numbers, ... (with Church Thesis "universal" need 
not to be accompanied by "turing").
Relative universal numbers can be defined through addition and 
multiplication only.
They associate to each number relative ways to generate the diophantine 
sets, which are the Wi (and thus coding of the Fi) which I explained to 
Tom and George. So I believe in the collection of all (mathematical) 
relative computations. A well defined highly non trivial structure, 
especially "n-viewed from inside".

So I have ontological assumptions: the non negative integers together 
with their additive and multiplicative structure. Ontologically: 
nothing more, nothing less.

Epistemologically: the same + induction axioms. (on the natural 
numbers, or not).

 From that I explain how discourse about quanta and qualia emerge in a 
sufficiently precise way so that we can compare the comp physics 
(physics from the number) and empirical physics.

(A test has already be done and confirmed comp, the rest are 
mathematical conjectures).

The UDA shows it has to be like that.



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