> David Nyman:
>> Point taken. The EC 'axioms' may be better conceived as primitive
computations (like the UD), not theorems. In terms of comp, is there any
necessary distinction between a UD and a parallel distributed
> I am not sure what the EC axioms are. The UD is both massively parallel
and massively sequential. Recall the UD generates all programs and
executes them all together, but one step at a time. The "D" is for
dovetailing which is a technic for emulating parallelism sequentially.

Isn't "emulating parallelism sequentially" rather telling? Emulation is
emulation... "acting as-if there was parallelism" and "actual
parallelism" have to be proven identical (nothing lost in the translation
... I think someone mentioned Leibniz equivalence). Maybe we need to look
at single vs multi-processors (the parallel distributed architecture
mentioned above) a little more deeply. I'm preempting the pillowtalk :-)
on the other thread but i'd like to discuss it. I need a little more
information just to be absolutely sure I get what is going on:

Is the UD process
a) UD generating all programs
b) UD executes all of them


a1) The UD generate program X,
b1) launches execution of X (adds it to the heap already running) in itself
c1) Go to a1

Is the "1 step at a time" execution

1 processor time 'slice' =
N = 1
a) step N in program a
b) step N in program b
Last) step N in program 'last'
N = N+1
Go to a)

N = 1
a) 1 time 'slice' = step N in program a
b) 1 time 'slice' = step N in program b
Last) 1 time 'slice' = step N in program 'last'
N = N+1
Go to a)

Q In other words can the UD be regarded as having an operating system of
some sort that navigates its way invisibly to all the programs it is

Q Do you consider the UD fully operational before or after all the
programs are generated?

Q At what point does whatever serves as the 'reality' of being a UD get
officially/fully launched?

I'd like to think about a various single/multi processor serial/parallel
UD implementations. I have experiences with these - real time industrial
process control software is more like the UD than an multi-tasking
operating system. 'Time' in a real-time control system is very different
to that in a standard multitasking operating system. Also the coordination
of programs is an issue. The software is very different....

If I could get my head around the above I can calibrate my UD thoughts in
these terms.

Colin Hales

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