The only connection I can think of is as follows. For any given religious
text there should exist a universe which "best fits" those text.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wei Dai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

> > A year ago or so Wei Dai put an end to religious discussions on the
> I don't remember if I did that a year ago or not, but I certainly think
> current discussion is off-topic. This mailing list is based on the premise
> that all possible universes exist. Unless someone can think of a
> to this idea, can we please drop this thread?
> I have also noticed that all of [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s posts are
> copy-and-pastes from online sources:
> Copying other people's writings without attribution is plagiarism, which I
> certainly do not approve of.
> And aside from that, if anyone wants to reference large amounts of online
> material, please post a link instead of copying the text.
> P.S., I find that I am not always able to keep up with all of the
> discussions on the list. Putting my name in a post is a good way to get my
> attention, and please always feel free to email me directly with any
> administrative issues related to the list.
> >

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