- 1.- Q: *What are light and fermions?*
   - A: Light is a fluctuation of closed strings of arbitrary sizes.
   Fermions are ends of open strings.
   - 2.- Q: *Where do light and fermions come from?*
   - A: Light and fermions come from the collective motions of
   string-like objects that form nets and fill our vacuum.
   - 3.- Q: *Why do light and fermions exist?*
   - A: Light and fermions exist because our vacuum is a quantum liquid
   of string-nets <http://dao.mit.edu/%7Ewen/stringnet.html>.

This is from the introduction of the URL so kindly provided by Torgny. It
looks very interesting, a gteat idea indeed. I like better a 'liquid' of
spacetime than a 'fabric'.

Xiao-Gang Wen looks like a very open-minded wise man.
I wonder if he made the circularity of his Q#1 and Q#3 deliberately? (if, of
course, we include Q#2).
Originally - before reading Q#3 I wanted to ask 'what is OUR vacuum? but
here it is: a QUANTUM liqud and it has the substance of "string-nets".
He also postulates closed strings and open ones. (What-s?)
the closed ones fluctuate in waves (=photons) and the open ones have endings
we consider electrically charged (also callable: particles).
In my original (uneducted) question I wanted to ask what kind of a vacuum is
"filled"? is it still a (full) vacuum? Do the 'strings' have a 'filling'
quale? or is a 'string-filled' plenum still empty (as in vacuum)? If the
strings fluctuate into waves, what fluctuates? I am afraid that ANY answer
will start another string of questions.

The vocabulary is not so clear, then again it is the nth consequence of the
mth consequential result of an old  assumption: the assumption of the
physical world.

Please, do not reply! I just realizes that this entire topic is way above my
preparedness and just have "let it out".


John M

On 9/12/07, Torgny Tholerus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (From the swedish Allting List:)
> The discrete space-time is a liquid.  This explains why the space is
> isomorph in all directions.
> The one that discovered that the space-time is a liquid, was Xiao-Gang
> Wen (Home Page: http://dao.mit.edu/~wen ).  He has found that elementary
> particles are not the fundamental building blocks of matter.  Instead,
> they emerge as defects or "whirlpools" in the deeper organized structure
> of space-time.  The space-time is a string-net liquid, and the photons,
> the light, are waves in this liquid.  And the charged electrons are the
> the ends of open-ended strings.
> Xiao-Gang Wen has written a lot of articles about this, and they can all
> be found from his home page.  But most of the articles are *very*
> mathematical.  But there is an easy-to-read article at
> https://dao.mit.edu/~wen/NSart-wen.html .  And there is a
> rather-easy-to-read article in 12 pages at
> https://dao.mit.edu/~wen/pub/intr-frmb.pdf , that explains more about
> these very interesting theories.
> -

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